Kyoto Protocol - Paris Agreement - M2020 - 2050 Targets

We Make it Happen!

We have developed innovative and easy to implement solutions to cut methane emission drastically, 
helping save our planet and generating millions of certified and tradable carbon credits

Bacterras Inc. is doing the scientific demonstration of the methane reduction when dairy cows consume the product.
Dairy cows represent 5% of all greenhouse emissions and the world count 265 million dairy cows.

Pitch Desk

Bacteria only

bacterras sources, markets and sales novel, proprietary, bacterials formulations that are capable of solving many of the most challenging environmental problems facing the world today.

Chemical free

bacterras focuses on providing ever-advancing, cost-effective, chemical free, sustainable solutions to the twin challenges posed by polluted water and the need to improve farm productivity.

We bring action to the carbon conversation
About Bacterras
Bacterras: a major environmental project